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Triptych of Jan Floreins [detail: 1, central panel]
Order as handmade oil painting Triptych of Jan Floreins [detail: 1, central panel] - Hans Memling |
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Triptych of the Family Moreel (left wing) 1484 -
Hans Memling
Triptych of the Family Moreel (right wing) 1484 -
Hans Memling
Triptych of the Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine of Alexandria, left upper, the founder Jacob de Kueninc and Anthony Seghers -
Hans Memling
Triptych of the Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine of Alexandria, left wing, the beheading of John the Baptist -
Hans Memling
Triptych of the Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine of Alexandria, right wing, Agnes and Clara van Casembrood with Nuns -
Hans Memling
Triptych of the Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine of Alexandria, right wing, scene of St. John the Evangelist in Patmos -
Hans Memling
Triptych of the Rest on the Flight into Egypt -
Hans Memling [locked]
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